Jesuit Conference of South Asia
South Asia
Jesuits in Social Action (JESA) South Asia Secretariat was formally initiated in 1973 to assist the Major Superiors to translate the faith – justice mandate of GC 32 into action in all the ministries and in particular in social action ministry of the Society of Jesus. The primary function of JESA is to encourage and elicit well-studied and analyzed responses and interventions from Jesuits and collaborates in favor of and with the marginalized groups and communities. It would further promote and coordinate ongoing action-reflections, interactions, research/study and actions leading to greater development and empowerment of the priority communities. It would also gather and disseminate information and knowledge through bulletins, workshops, seminars, training, and visits.
To re-launch: on the pathway to God, with the marginalized and the young, in our common home – the earth.
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Ph:(011) 49534162; Mob: 9969467926
Correo electrónico:
Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003