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Action pour les droits humains et l'amitié (ADHA)



To ensure the ratification and implementation of international and regional human rights instruments by African states.
To collect, publish information relating to the situation of human rights in African states and beyond;
To organise seminars, conferences and symposium on human rights in general and the rights of minorities in particular;
To write reports on the situation of human rights and the rights of minorities in Africa;
To provide legal assistance for the victims of human rights violations in African states;
To ensure the holding of free and fair elections as well as the independence of the judiciary in Africa;
To mobilise Senegalese, African and international public opinion with the view to denounce massive human rights violations in Africa and beyond;
To collaborate with national, regional and international human rights organisations and institutions with the sole purpose of ensuring the universal protection and promotion of human rights and dignity.
To popularize the emerging human rights instruments such as the Pan-African Youth Charter in which the rights of African youth are enshrined.
Facilitating the access of African peoples to human rights documents.


Action pour les Droits Humains et l’Amitié (ADHA) is a neutral and non-profit making organization created by young Senegalese human right activists whose burning desire is to contribute towards the promotion and protection of human rights not only in Africa and but also beyond.


Sitio web:


+221 77 301 14 98 / +221 76 393 67 99

Correo electrónico: Not Deliverable


Amitié II Sicap Rue 10 Villa n° 1040 Rez-de-chaussé Dakar, Sénégal

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