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Caritas Luxembourg



Our aid work is targeted at single-parent families, children and young people, migrants and refugees, disadvantaged people, homeless people and those with a precarious income or uncertain housing situation, as well as those who are temporarily unable to cope with life.

At the international level, Caritas Luxembourg works side by side with the victims of natural disasters and violent conflicts, supports rebuilding and rehabilitation work and is a partner to its sister organisations in the Southern Hemisphere for development projects.


Caritas Luxembourg works to promote the wellbeing of men and women, particularly those who are excluded, helpless or deprived, regardless of their origin, age, nationality, or their philosophical or religious views.


Sitio web:


(+352) 40 21 31 - 1

Correo electrónico:


Caritas Luxembourg
29, rue Michel Welter
L-2730 Luxembourg

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