Grupo Gay da Bahia
The GGB holds two weekly meetings to discuss issues of interest to the homosexual community. They defend the interests of the homosexual community in Bahia and Brazil and fight against prejudice and descrimination and work to prevent HIV and AIDS with our community and other groups vulnerable to the epidemic. In addition, they make homosexuals aware of the urgent need to fight for their full citizenship rights.
The GGB is an umbrella entity that offers space for other civil society entities working in similar areas, especially in the fight against homophobia and prevention of HIV and AIDS among the community and the general population.
Sitio web:
55 (71) 3322 2552
Correo electrónico:
Rua Frei Vicente, 24 – Pelourinho, Caixa Postal 2552, CEP 40.022-260., Salvador / Bahia / Brazil