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Magyar Helsinki Bizottság (Hungarian Helsinki Committee)



THey provide legal aid and representation for LGBTIQ asylum-seekers and foreigners at risk of refoulement on a regular basis. Further to to that, the HHC is a trusted partner of Hungarian LGBTIQ organisations beyond the issue of asylum. As part of our mandate to defend the rule of law, they routinely cooperate with the Hungarian LGBTIQ community in protecting the rights of transgender people, litigating police inaction and failure to protect LGBTIQ community spaces and they have an extensive cooperation with Budapest Pride.


The Hungarian Helsinki Committee is a non-governmental watchdog organization that protects human dignity and the rule of law through legal and public advocacy methods.


Sitio web:


(36 1) 321 4323, 321 4327, 321 4141

Correo electrónico:


Magyar Helsinki Bizottság
1074 Budapest, Dohány utca 20. II/9.
1242 Budapest, Pf. 317.

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