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Exercise of status, socioeconomic and other rights in accordance with international standards and principles of good governance through providing free legal aid, policy monitoring and advocating for elimination of systemic obstacles;
Preventing and combating discrimination through raising awareness and education, providing free legal aid to victims of discrimination and advocating for systemic solutions;
Achieving gender equality through providing free legal aid to survivors of domestic violence and improvement of sustainable solutions for implementation of regulations and policies;
Improving the position of migrants through policy monitoring, administering free legal aid and advocating for systemic solutions in this area;
improving the position of children through policy monitoring and advocating for systemic solutions in accordance with international standards in the best interest of the child;


Through a human rights based approach, Praxis aims to help vulnerable groups to secure and exercise their rights so that systemic obstacles may be removed and equality for all may be realized.


Sitio web:


+381 63 111 7019, +381 63 111 7029

Correo electrónico:


11000 Beograd, Srbija

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